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Tuesday, August 28, 2012

7 Access-Bank Employees Die Of Hypertension Trying To Meet Target

7 Access Bank Marketing staff dies of Hypertension in weeks

August 24th, 2012 by newsacross

We should see in every LovePeddler an accusing finger pointing firmly at society as a whole. Every love-vendor, every partner in prostitution, turns the knife in this festering and gaping wound that disfigures the world. In desperate bid to increase its capital base, Access Bank, like love-vendor, has resorted to numerous unethical practices. In desperate bid to remain in business, set unrealistic targets for their female staff insisting that they either live up to expectations or lose their jobs.

A huge number of female bankers have either lost their jobs due to non-compliance or kept the jobs by embracing what has now been tagged ‘corporate prostitution.’ While some of them have died of heart-attack. Access Bank, we hear, has even gone a step further by buying official cars for some of the ladies who go about in skimpy revealing dresses to seduce high net-worth ‘customers’ to make deposits. This ‘trade’ has been so mastered by some ladies that they don’t have to fix a date or a venue for the exploitation, as they have ‘ready-made package’ for randy depositors who wish to explore the spontaneity aspect of the business.

Aig Imoukhuede led bank has literally turned the female bankers to LovePeddlers and they make no pretence about it. Those who could not stand the heat are always advised to get of the system and look for jobs elsewhere.

Sadly, however, one of the female marketers, Solabomi Olugbemi of Retail Business Unit at Simbiat Abiola branch of Access Bank, died early this morning. She had being on admission for over two weeks. Her Friends and co-workers who visited her said she confided in them that she had being under a lot of stress because of Deposit Mobilization mandate (OJC) Operation. Just because the Divisional Director gave them an ear-pulling warning early this year to raise cheap funds for the bank on N1 trillion in 6months. Solabomi lost her life because of bad accounts she inherited from a product called Auto-online (Car Loan) coupled with the incident of one of her customers withdrawing 200million naira from his account which threw her balance sheet to negative.

We also gathered from an insider in the bank that Solabomi collapsed on the last day of OJC target deadline because she was unable to maintain a huge demand deposit balance. She was immediately rushed to Jolade hospital in Gbagada, Lagos but she was later taken to Military hospital in Ikoyi, Lagos where she was diagnosed with high blood pressure. Young and jovial Solabomi (29 years old) who was married with 3 little children and a lovely husband died early this morning. Sources also confirmed that over 60% of access Bank staff are highly hypertensive and run the risk of heart attacks in their young age.


Happy Birthday To Mercy Johnson

Today (August 28) is the
birthday of star actress, Mercy
Johnson. She is from Okene in
Kogi State.

The first Nollywood
movie in which she appeared
was The Maid (2002). Some of
her other movies are Weeping
Soul, Corporate Maid, Strength to
Strength, Act of Faith, Fathers
Blood, and Mirror of Life.


Health Updates: Middle Aged Fitness Protects Health In Old Age

Middle aged people who regularly exercise and are physically fit have a much lower risk of developing chronic health conditions associated with old age, researchers from the Cooper Institute, Dallas, USA reported in Archives of Internal Medicine. The authors added that even a moderate increase in fitness during midlife can help reduce the risk of developing several chronic conditions twenty years later.

Several studies have looked into how physical fitness might impact on elderly health and longevity. A report published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine in 2008 showed that midlife aerobic fitness can delay biological aging by up to 12 years, as well as securing an independent lifestyle during old age.

Dr. Benjamin L. Willis and team gathered data from Medicare claims with information on participants from the Cooper Center Longitudinal Study, involving 14,726 men and 3,944 women. The data spanned from 1970 to 2008. All the participants were healthy and had an overall median age of 49 years at baseline.

The researchers were looking out for incidence of eight chronic conditions after the age of 65: Alzheimer's disease, colon or lung cancers, chronic kidney disease, COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease), stroke, ischemic heart disease, diabetes, and congestive heart failure.

The authors wrote:

"In the present study, higher fitness measured in midlife was strongly associated with a lower incidence of CCs decades later."

The participants were followed up on average for 26 years. Those in the top quintile for fitness had a considerably lower incidence of chronic conditions later in life compared to the people in the bottom quintile (1.5 vs 28.2 per 100 person years in males, and 11.4 vs. 20.1 in females). Participants' fitness levels were measured by getting them to do certain tasks on a treadmill. Even moderate improvements in fitness during age were found to reduce the risk of developing chronic conditions later on.

The authors wrote:

"For example, a 1- to 2-MET [metabolic equivalent] improvement in fitness resulting in promotion from the first to the second fitness quintile at age 50 years was associated with a 20 percent reduction in the incidence of CCs at ages 65 and older."

Midlife fitness appears to be more closely linked with a lower incidence of chronic diseases later on than improved survival, which also benefits, but less so, the researchers noted. Dr. Willis explained that "Compared with participants with lower midlife fitness, those with higher midlife fitness appeared to spend a greater proportion of their final five years of life with a lower burden of chronic conditions."

In other words, midlife fitness increases your chances of living more healthily during old age and having a lower risk of developing chronic conditions. Your lifespan may benefit slightly too. Your last years of life are more likely to be free of chronic diseases, or at least affected by fewer of them, compared to unfit middle-aged people.

Accompanying Commentary in the same journal

Dr. Diane Bild, of the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute, Bethesda, Md., said that Dr. Willis and team have provided further compelling evidence about the importance of physical fitness during middle age as a contributor to better health later on in life.

Dr. Bild added:

"Fitness may be a key to healthy aging, but the interpretation and translation of the findings of this article require some caution. ...Yet, fitness is a function of both exercise and genetics. Because genetics likely plays a role in longevity and certainly plays a role in disease avoidance, if some of the same genes are involved in longevity and fitness, they may serve as major confounders in the attractive interpretation that exercise leads to fitness, which leads to healthy aging.

"Research on healthy aging is important for its insights into living longer, healthier and more active lives and, potentially, reducing health care costs. In addition to observational studies such as the present one, clinical trials are needed to establish definitively the benefits and risks of approaches that have been shown in observational studies to be associated with extending health and life."

Researchers from the University of Kansas School of Medicine in Kansas City, in 2009 found that even when somebody has a chronic disease, such as Alzheimer's, fitness (cardiorespiratory fitness) has been shown to reduce brain atrophy in patients in the early stages of the disease.

Being physically fit during midlife is becoming more scarce. Researchers fom the University of Houston, Texas, published a study in Archives of Internal Medicine in 2009 which showed that we all gradually become less fit as we age, with declines speeding up after 45. They added that the US population is aging, but becoming more sedentary and obese at the same time. Unless fitness levels of middle-aged and elderly Americans improve, the incidence of chronic diseases among seniors will rise considerably.
Written by Christian Nordqvist 

IBB Threatens To Expose Buhari

A few hours after President Goodluck Jonathan and ex-Head of State, Gen. Muhammadu Buhari took a swipe at former  leaders, ex-Military President Ibrahim Babangida fired back.
He asked Dr. Jonathan to learn to accept criticisms and threatened to expose the “holier-than thou-attitude” of Gen. Buhari.
Gen. Babangida, who spoke through Prince Kassim Afegbua, his media adviser, reminded Gen. Buhari that those who live in glass houses should not throw stones.
He also advised Dr. Jonathan to look elsewhere, not him, if he is blaming past leaders that are criticising him.
Kassim said: “On President Jonathan, there is nothing wrong in criticism if it is constructive and in the interest of the country. Gen. Babangida is one unique former President who does not criticise a sitting President as a matter of courtesy.
“If President Jonathan is blaming past leaders, he should look elsewhere, certainly not IBB.
“On Gen. Buhari, it is not in IBB’s tradition to take up issues with his colleague former President. But for the purpose of record, we are conversant with Gen. Buhari’s so-called holier-than-thou attitude.
“He is a one-time Minister of Petroleum and we have good records of his tenure as minister.
“Secondly, he also presided over the Petroleum Trust Fund ( PTF) which records we also have.
“We challenge him to come out with clean hands in those two portfolios he headed. Or, we will help him to expose his. “records of performance during those periods.”
“Those who live in glass houses do not throw stones. Gen. Buhari should be properly guided.”

Health Updates: Stribild HIV-1 Infection Drug Approved By FDA

Stribild, a medication to treat HIV-1 infection for treatment-naïve adults, has been approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Stribild is a pill combination of four active ingredients - elvitegravir 150 mg/cobicistat 150 mg/emtricitabine 200 mg/tenofovir disoproxil fumarate 300 mg - and is taken once a day. Treatment-naïve patients means those who have never been treated for HIV infection before.

What is the difference between HIV-1 and HIV-2 infection? - there are two types of HIV: HIV-1 and HIV-2. They are both transmitted through blood, by sexual contact, or from mother-to-child, and when they cause AIDS, the symptoms are indistinguishable. HIV-2 is less easily transmitted. Globally, most HIV infections are of HIV-1. HIV-2 is located in West Africa and hardly ever seen elsewhere. When referring to HIV without specifying, people are nearly always referring to HIV-1.

Elvitegravir, an HIV integrase strand transfer inhibitor, was discovered by Japan Tobacco and licenced to Gilead Sciences. The medication interferes with an enzyme that HIV needs to multiply. This is the first time anything created by Japan Tobacco has been approved by the FDA.

Emtricitabine, tenofovir disoproxil fumarate had already been FDA approved for HIV treatment; elvitegravir and cobicistat are new approvals.

Cobicistat inhibits an enzyme that breaks down some HIV medications - it prolongs elvitegravir's effect - is a pharmacokinetic enhancer or pharmacoenhancing agent.

The emtricitabine and tenofovir disoproxil fumarate combination was approved in 2004 and had the brand name Truvada - it blocks another enzyme's action which helps HIV replication in the human body. In combination, these medications provide a comprehensive treatment regimen for HIV infected patients.

Edward Cox, M.D., M.P.H., director of the Office of Antimicrobial Products in FDA's Center for Drug Evaluation and Research, said:

"Through continued research and drug development, treatment for those infected with HIV has evolved from multi-pill regimens to single-pill regimens. New combination HIV drugs like Stribild help simplify treatment regimens."

Gilead says it is seeking approval for elvitegravir as a stand-alone medication.

FDA scientists evaluated two double-blind clinical trials which tested the safety and efficacy of Stribild, involving 1,408 HIV infected adults who had never been treated before. The participants were randomly selected into different groups, one was given Stribild and the other Trivada + atazanavir and ritonavir once daily in the second study.

The main aim of the trials was to see what percentage of participants had no measurable amounts of HIV in their blood at the end of 48 weeks.

The trials showed that at the end of 48 weeks:
  • 88% and 90% of those in the Stribild groups had undetectable HIV amounts in their blood

  • 84% of the Atripla and 87% of the Truvada + atazanavir and ritonavir groups had undetectable amounts of HIV
Principal investigator of one of the Stribild pivotal studies, Paul Sax, MD, Clinical Director of the Division of Infectious Diseases at Brigham and Women's Hospital, Boston, and Professor of Medicine at Harvard Medical School, said:

"Over the past decade, co-formulated HIV medicines have simplified therapy for many patients and have become standard of care. Today's approval of Stribild will provide physicians and their patients an effective new single tablet treatment option for individuals starting HIV therapy for the first time."

This is the third single tablet HIV medication Gilead has developed. Atripla, the first, was approved in the USA in 2006, the second Complera (emtricitabine/rilpivirine/tenofovir disoproxil fumarate) was approved in 2011. Complera is a combination of Truvada, a Gilead drug, and rilpivirine, a Janssen medication.

Gilead says marketing approvals for Stribild are still pending in several major markets, including the European Union, Canada and Australia. Several Indian manufacturing partners have been granted permission to manufacture generic versions of Stibild for over 100 developing nations.

The Stribild label carries a Boxed Warning

Stribild's label has a Boxed Warning regarding an accumulation of lactic acid in the blood (lactic acidosis), as well as severe liver complications (hepatomegaly with steatosis). Doctors and patients are warned that both complications can be life-threatening. The label adds that Stribild is not approved for the treatment of chronic hepatitis B virus infection.

The following side effects are possible for patients taking Stribild - diarrhea, nausea, worsening kidney problems, immune reconstitution syndrome, decreased bone mineral density, and fat redistribution.

Giliead Sciences has to carry out further studies to evaluate Stribild's safety in children and women, as well as potential interactions with other medications. The FDA also requires that Gilead organizes studies to see how resistance to Stribild develops.

A Picture Of Buhari & Ojukwu

See Swagger: Who be 'Oga' for dis pic?

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

United confirm Buttner deal Five-year contract for 'one of the best young left-backs in Europe'

Alexander Buttner: Has signed a five-year deal with Manchester United
Manchester United have confirmed the signing of Alexander Buttner from Vitesse Arnhem.
The Dutch defender completed his medical on Tuesday and agreed a five-year contract at Old Trafford until 2017.
His new manager Sir Alex Ferguson promptly declared that the 23-year-old is one of the best in the business.
Ferguson told the club's official website: "Alexander is one of the best young left-backs in Europe and we're delighted to sign him.

QPR agree Carvalho deal Portuguese defender on his way back to London on season-long loan

Sky Sports sources understand that Queens Park Rangers have agreed a deal in principle to sign Real Madrid defender Ricardo Carvalho on a season-long loan.
The 34-year-old has fallen out of favour at Primera Liga champions Real and will be allowed to move on in search of regular football.
Carvalho was omitted from the Real squad which toured the United States this summer, sparking speculation that he could be on his way out of the club.
A return to England, where he has previously taken in a successful spell with Chelsea, was quickly mooted.
Ricardo Carvalho: Has fallen out of favour at Spanish champions Real Madrid

Chelsea v Reading preview Abramovich and Zingarevich meet at Stamford Bridge

Roman Abramovich: Has fired eight managers in almost a decade at Stamford Bridge
Reading on Wednesday night make one of the trips they will have been dreaming about having returned to the Premier League as they prepare to take on Chelsea at Stamford Bridge in a battle of Russian owners.
Last season's Championship title winners on the first day of the new campaign hosted Stoke City and grabbed a late draw courtesy of Adam Le Fondre's penalty.
But the trip to Chelsea, who on Sunday defeated Wigan Athletic after a dream start to the game, represents one of the most glamorous matches in the top flight.
Roberto Di Matteo's European champions and FA Cup winners have already invested more than £60million in the summer transfer window to take a host of stars to London.
Eden Hazard lit up the victory over Wigan while Brazilian Olympic silver medalist Oscar also made his Premier League debut at the DW Stadium.


Don-Jazzy Donates N2M To Funmi Lawal Cancer Patient

Funmi Lawal is the 2011 UNILAG law graduate who was recently diagnosed with malignant sacorma, a kind of cancer at the shoulder region. (If you missed it..see it HERE). Funmi was in need of N4 million for surgery.

Mavin Records CEO and prolific music producer, Don Jazzy has donated N2 million to her. He did it quietly...didn't want it out...but I just had to let people know what he did. He's such a generous, kind hearted human being and good deeds like this need to be appreciated and encouraged. God bless Don Jazzy. God heal Funmi Lawal. And thanks to everyone else who has donated to Funmi Lawal

2015: Obasanjo Cannot Choose For The North - KURE

Former governor of Niger State, Engr. Abdulkadir Kure, has asserted that former President Olusegun Obasanjo is not in a position to choose a presidential candidate for the North.

Kure made this assertion in an exclusive interview with LEADERSHIP while responding to the newspaper’s exclusive story of yesterday in which Obasanjo endorsed Jigawa State Governor Sule Lamido for the 2015 presidential poll.

LEADERSHIP had reported that Obasanjo had endorsed the candidature of Lamido and Rivers State Governor Rotimi Amaechi as the presidential and vice-presidential candidates of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) in 2015.

Obasanjo also claimed that he supported power shift to the North in 2015.

But Kure faulted the political arrangement on the grounds that the North was capable of deciding on who would represent it during the 2015 presidential election, and said that the North would speak with one voice and choose a credible leader to represent the region.

The ex-governor accused Obasanjo of messing up Nigeria and particularly the North when he held sway as president, and added that he should leave the North alone and concentrate on his poultry farm in Ota, Ogun State.

In his words: “In 2015, the North will decide for itself and choose a candidate that the whole united North, acting as one, will support. Obasanjo has messed up the entire country and particularly the North. We shall not allow him do that again. Let him go and face his poultry farm and leave us alone.”

“Obasanjo lacks the locus standi to decide who will represent us in 2015. We will not allow him to do that again. Let him face his poultry farm in Ota and leave the North alone.


Ex-Wheelbarrow-Pusher Gets Highest Scores In OAU Post-UTME

He was once a wheelbarrow pusher, bus conductor and tout. His shelter was under the bridge. Education for him seemed far-fetched, Uche Okwuoha, now a Law student at the Obafemi Awolowo University narrates how his life began to take a meaningful shape, Motunrayo Aboderin writes

Uche Okwuoha, an indigene of Imo State, scored the highest mark in the Obafemi Awolowo post Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination in the 2010/2011 academic session. He had the highest score of 320 (out of 400) and he is presently a Law student in the institution’s Faculty of Law. But Okwuoha’s journey to stardom was one filled with pain and hardship.

The 27-year-old young man who was once a street boy said at the time he was leaving his secondary school at Okigwe, Imo State, his intention was to gain admission to any university, join a cult group and kill as many people as he could.

Now, Okwuoha said he is a changed man. In his words, “Life has dealt with me; the only thing left in me is hope for a brighter tomorrow.”


Pastor-Adeboye's Message To Young Singles On Marriage

Those of you who go to your pastor to pray for you and tell you who to marry, if care is not taken, you will become a victim of lies. You are simply lazy. No pastor or prophet should tell you who to marry. They are to pray along with you, counsel and guide you using the Word of God. If you fail to pay the price to hear from God on that matter, you may be deceived. God can use your pastor or a genuine prophet of God to confirm what He had already told you. Many homes have been established on falsehood and that is why things are falling apart and the center can no longer hold. Some pastors are seriously into match-making. They have taken over from the Holy Spirit. Match-making remains God's prerogative and He has not delegated it to any pastor.


Nigeria 1:1 Brazil U20 women world cup

Under 20 women world cup match between Nigeria and Brazil ended in a one all draw. The Nigerian Team now has four points after beaten South Korea 2 goals to nil in an earlier encounter and will only need to pick up one more to make it to the knockout stage

Cynthia Osokogu Was Killed By Her FaceBook Friends

Indications emerged, Tuesday, that the late Cynthia Osokogu, the only daughter of General Frank  Osokogu (rtd), whose  body was discovered in a Lagos morgue a month after she was declared missing, could have been murdered by her facebook acquaintances.

Already, six persons, among them two  university students, a pharmacist and an employee of the hotel where the 24-year-old post-graduate student was murdered have been arrested.

DEATH BY FACEBOOK: The late Cynthia Osokogu

Investigation into the murder, as reliably gathered, revealed that Cynthia was strangled to death in the hotel by her assailants, who thereafter left with an undisclosed amount, her student identity card and phones.

Report said the beautiful and vivacious Cynthia had chatted with the two undergraduates on facebook for months.

In the process, they reportedly got to know that she owned a boutique in Nasarawa State, following which they reportedly had a business proposal with her, promising  to host her whenever she visited Lagos.

On her arrival at the Murtala Muhammed Airport, Ikeja, on July 22, 2012, she was reportedly picked up by the two undergraduates  and driven to a hotel in Festac Town. Unknown to her, she was embarking on a journey of no return.

At the hotel, her drink was reportedly drugged before she was strangled to death. Vanguard reliably gathered that after her death, one of her assailants  left the room and later put a call to the hoteliers, informing them that there was a corpse in one of the rooms.

The hotel, as gathered, took the corpse to the Isolo General Hospital mortuary. Sources informed that efforts by the hoteliers to contact family of the deceased proved abortive as there was reportedly nothing to trace her close relatives or friends.

Meanwhile, back in Nasarawa State where her family is said to be based, apprehension had set in following her disappearance. She was, therefore, declared missing, with her pictures dropped at some police divisions in the state.

How the suspects were arrested

Vanguard reliably gathered that after the murder,  the killers deleted all information and chats with the deceased from their facebook. But, along the line, the deceased phone was  dialled and one of the suspects reportedly answered. When  the call log was checked from the service provider, the receiver was traced to Festac Town in the Amuwo-Odofin Local Government Area.

Again, the Close Circuit Television stationed in the hotel was said to have revealed identities of the killers following which two of them  were arrested and their confessional statement led to the arrest of others.

During interrogation, the suspects reportedly confessed to have bought the drugs with which they drugged Cynthia’s drink  from a pharmacist, thereby leading  to his arrest. It was at this point that her family was reportedly  contacted.

Vanguard reliably gathered that during investigation, the two undergraduates, whose identities could not be ascertained,  confessed to have killed Cynthia.

They also reportedly confessed to belong to a syndicate which specialised in luring unsuspecting  rich women with the aim of dispossessing them of their belongings, particularly cash.

The late Cynthia, as gathered, was not their first victim, as they were said to have confessed to the police that she was their sixth victim.

When contacted, spokesman for the Lagos State Police Command, Ngozi Braide, confirmed the arrest, but was not forthcoming with details


Enugu-Women Protest Mysterious Deaths Of Sons

In recent times, Aji community in Igbo-Eze North Local Government Area of Enugu State has witnessed an unprecedented upsurge in crime. Since December 2012, three youths of the community have been killed by suspected ritualists. The worrisome thing about the killings was that the vital parts of the victims were removed by the unknown killers raising apprehension among the villages that ritual killers are on the prowl in their community.

Worried by this trend, the women of Aji, led by Mrs Amaka Urama, a school teacher and chairman of the Catholic Women Organization (CWO), staged a peaceful protest in the community, demanding an immediate end to the killings and the dissolution of the community’s vigilante, which they feared has been infiltrated by criminals and politicians, who want to use the members to achieve their political end.

They alleged that the chairman of the vigilante, Mr. Joseph Azegbe and the counsellor of the area had used masquerades to harass and intimidate them in efforts to stop their protest. At the end of the peaceful protest witnessed by the police, the army and officers of the State Security Services (SSS), Mrs. Urama spoke to Daily Sun. •

The chairman of Igbo-Eze North Local Government Area Mr. Onuh, the traditional ruler of Aji, Igwe Itodo and the Commissioner for Poverty Alleviation Mr. Goddy Ogenyi who approves vigilante group’s formation also spoke to Daily Sun. Mrs Urama My name is Mrs Amaka Urama, the leader of Aji Women Forum (AMF).

We had gathered ourselves together to cry out to the government, the chairman of Igbo-Eze North LGA, the traditional ruler of Aji and all the community stakeholders that we are no longer comfortable with the escalating crime rate in Aji. Our sons are being killed in mysterious circumstances. The killings started after the previous vigilante was dissolved.

Since then, we have lost three of our children. Before the dissolution our town was peaceful and our Igwe, His Royal Highness Simeon Osisi Itodo even received an award as the most security conscious traditional ruler in the South-East. We don’t know what happened and control of the vigilante was maneuvered out of his hand by some evil-minded politicians who have vaulting ambition to rule.

Those who were killed have their vital parts removed. They are Festus Idoko, Ndubuisi A and Uche Nwaossai who was killed and his body stuffed into his father’s water tank. As mothers who carry these children nine months in our wombs, we are tired of passing through these avoidable gory and horrible experiences.

We want a stop to it. The way it can be stopped is easy and that is the dissolution of the vigilante which has been hijacked by a highly placed civil servant (name withheld) who is running the vigilante through his cronies as a personal enterprise to achieve his political ambition using the blood of our children.

Our Igwe is the chief security officer of the community and should be allowed to choose the chairman of the vigilante. When he was in control, there was no crime in Aji. We want the status quo restored. This is why we are protesting. Some people don’t want us to protest and used over 200 masquerades to harass and intimidate us. We are surprised that our councilor is behind this.


8-Mobile-Policemen Arrested For Mounting Illegal Check-Points

By Johnbosco Agbakwuru
CALABAR – ABOUT eight officers of the Police Mobile Force Eleven Squadron, Calabar, Cross River State have been arrested between Akwa Ibom and Cross River States by a team of Mobile Force deployed from the Force Headquarters, Abuja, for allegedly mounting illegal road blocs and improper dressing.

The Inspector-General of Police, Alhaji Mohammed Abubakar had on assumption of office disbanded all road blocs by policemen and a team of mobile Officers was constituted to monitor the compliance of the IG’s directive.

One of the officers arrested for gross indiscipline

The team was mandated to arrest any officer that defied the directives and possibly institute disciplinary measures in order to put a stop any form of illegal escort, improper dressing, and unauthorized check points among others.

The team led by the Commander in charge of Ethics, Doctrine and Monitoring, Mr. Anietie Eyo arrested three mobile policemen who allegedly did not obey the directives of the IGP in Uyo, Akwa Ibom State capital.

On their way to Cross River State with the arrested culprits, the team again arrested two mobile policemen who abandoned their beat at the National Independent Power Plant, Odukpani to mount illegal checkpoint along the Calabar-Itu expressway.

Another two other police officers were apprehended within the premises of the MOPOL 11 Command in Calabar, Cross River State for improper dressing and one other officer whose dressing was most appalling, was arrested outside.

At the Margaret Ekpo International Airport, Calabar, another culprit was arrested for violating the rules on escort of VIPs which stipulated that the security personnel must not be less than two in number.

However, at a Mobile Police checkpoint along the Calabar-Ikang road, Bakassi, the team only identified two culprits that they could not arrest because of the sensitive nature of their job in the border area.

The arrested combat policemen were left in the custody of various police divisions in the Akwa Ibom and Cross River State commands pending when further action would be taken on them.

When contacted on telephone, the Commissioner of Police in charge of PMF at the Force Headquarters Abuja, Mr. Mbu J. Mbu, said all the culprits would be tried in-house and punished in line with the dictates of the rules.

Mbu said, “We have our departmental disciplinary procedure. IG made pronouncement that had to do with dress code, that they must be combat ready at all times. These are the things that we are now trying to enforce. We have forwarded the signals to all field commanders and have given them enough time so that the men would conform to the directive.”

He expressed confidence that the team would carry out its duty effectively without compromising, adding that any officer who tried to induce members of the team would be dealt with accordingly.

On the issue of those who were not arrested but found wanting, Mbu said, “There are some designated checkpoints. Those people may not be taken away from their duty post because of the sensitive nature of their job, but their names and force numbers will be taken and they will be invited for trial.”


2-Okene-Church Killing Suspects Die In Police-Custody

The police in Kogi say additional eight suspects have been arrested in connection with the killings of 19 worshippers at a Deeper Life Bible Church, Okene, on Aug. 6.

The state Commissioner of Police, Mohammed Katsina, who disclosed this to newsmen in Lokoja on Tuesday, however, said two of the suspects had died in custody.

Mr. Katsina did not provide details of who the dead suspects are and under what circumstances they died.

Key suspects, who could help resolve a crime, are often pronounced dead by the police.

The commissioner however said the police arrested two of the eight new suspects in a bus on Murtala Mohammad Bridge, Jamata, Lokoja, on their way to the state from one of the neighbouring states.

Mr. Katsina said that the arrested persons were suspected to be among the attackers of the church, who were re-grouping after the attack.

The police commissioner also said that the attackers hatched their plot to attack the church and Okene Local Government Secretariat at their hideout in the Eyika Adagu area of the local government.

"Three persons each were detailed to attack the church and the soldier respectively; the pastor was the target of the attack but because of confusion as they entered the church, they were shooting sporadically.''

He said that the gang also confessed that they had planned to launch another attack on Aug. 19, to disrupt the services and the Eid-el-Fitri celebration before the arrest of its leader.

The police in the state had announced on Aug. 13 that 16 suspects had been arrested in connection with the Okene church killings.

But Mr. Katsina did not say what has become of the 16 initial suspects and where they are being held.

The commissioner also said that two bomb-manufacturing factories were discovered on Tuesday in Abu Limit Estate and Eyika Adagu in Okene and Okehi Local Government Areas respectively.

Conducting journalists round the factories, Mr. Katsina said they were discovered following information provided by the arrested leader of the 21-man gang who masterminded the church attack.

More: http://channelkoos.com/index.php/news/2276-suspects-in-okene-church-killings-die-in-police-custody

Chris-Okotie Clears Air On Alleged Jezebel-sermon Against Stephanie Henshaw

Reverend Chris Okotie of the Household of God Church, has cleared the air on last week’s sermon in which he allegedly descended on his ex-wife, Stephanie, purportedly describing her as a Jezebel.

Okotie, in a statement issued this on Tuesday, denied directing the sermon at the embattled Stephanie.

The cleric, in a statement, entitled: “The truth has prevailed: Agents of confusion,” issued on his behalf by Head of Media and Communications Household of God Church, Ladi Ayodeji, said “some mischievous elements have gone online with false story in which Reverend Chris Okotie’s current series of teaching on King Ahab and Jezebel’s encounter with Prophet Elijah in the bible is presented as an assault on Stephanie, his ex-wife.

“The general public is hereby, informed that Reverend Okotie has not made any reference directly or indirectly at Stephanie or their relationship since their separation was announced on Sunday, July 26, to the Household of God Church.

“The messages of the pastor are recorded and available for those willing to crosscheck this fact. Reverend Okotie stands by his original decision not to comment on the separation regardless of what some people try to make of the matter.”

It will be recalled that several media had reported Okotie’s alleged rubbishing of Stephanie in his sermon of last Sunday.


Monday, August 13, 2012

FG Declares 20th & 21st August As Public Holidays For Eid-ul-fitr

The Federal Government has declared Monday August 20th and Tuesday the 21st as public holidays to commemorate the 2012 Eid-ul-fitr Sallah celebrations.

A press statement by the Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Interior, Ms Nwaobia Daniel, made the announcement.

The Minister of Interior, Mr Abba Moro, who made the declaration on behalf of the Federal Government urged Nigerians to emulate the exemplary attributes of Islam which comprises love, tolerance and peaceful co-existence amongst Nigerians.


OLYMPICS: “No gold, no silver, no bronze, N2.3 bn down the drain”

LAGOS—The story of Nigeria at the 2012 London Olympics is “No gold, no silver, no bronze, N2.3 billion down the drain.”
And now a top Nigerian sports official who is a member of an international sports federation wants the federal government to compel the sports ministry to account for how they spent the N2.3 billion government released for the Olympic Games which ended in London yesterday. He would not have his name on print.
He said the ministry should disclose how much they released to each sports association that presented a team to the Olympic Games.  Athletics, Weightlifting, Taekwondo(athletes) Canoeing (one athlete), Wrestling, Basketball, Table Tennis and Boxing associations presented teams at the games. All the athletes were 51. The number of officials was still unknown as there were many who were not accredited and, consequently, were not useful to the athletes... They stayed in their hotels to watch the games on television. This irked the Nigerian official and he described the action of the ministry as “wasteful.”
He said it was  necessary for the ministry to disclose the allocations to each association because of what he called “the wrong decisions” that partly affected Nigeria’s preparation to the games.
Flags of various nations, including Norway (C) and Nigeria (2nd-R), are displayed during the closing ceremony of the 2012 London Olympic Games at Olympic Stadium on August 12, 2012 in London. Rio de Janeiro will host the 2016 Olympic Games. AFP PHOTO
The official said the following: “Taekwondo that presented two athletes was given over N65m to prepare while Athletics that had over 100 athletes but which they pruned to 28 for the Olympics was given N131m. Basketball which had to travel to Venezuela for their qualifying tournament was given N75m for all their
preparation including the tournament in Venezuela. The rest of the sports did not get more than N500,000.  And yet N2.3 billion was released for the Olympic games. But the money came in installments and it came so late that nothing much could be done with the last installment. This is not the way to prepare for the Olympic Games. The people who disbursed the money took wrong decisions and now the
athletes are saying that they did not prepare well. The  ministry is to blame.”
A coach in one of the teams admitted that Nigeria lacked world class athletes and that even if more billions of money were approved the money would have still gone down the drain as “you cannot perform magic over night in sports, you build over a period of time.”
The last time Nigeria left the Olympic Games without a medal was 24 years ago in the Seoul Olympic Games of 1988.
Vanguard Nigeria

"I am ready to start acting nudé" - says nollywood actress

"I am weird and very daring, so yes, I can act nudé. I am available to act nudé. If I can go topléss, what will stop me from acting nudé?

There is no big deal there because I feel that it is all about being professional."
– 'Desperate' Nollywood actress, Susan Ekwe was quoted by Sturvs.......
I don't think our society should accommodate this at this time or any time in the future. Do you need to act nudé to get ahead in Nollywood if your are really good at what you do?

Dbanj Posing With A Cheetah (pix)

dbanj posing with a cheetah during the shooting of naeto c's tony montana rmx video.....he dey wear cheetah footwear sef



Man Surrenders To Police After Kidnapping & Burying Prophetess Alive

Asaba—A 27-year-old man, who allegedly took part in the kidnap of a prophetess after which the woman was buried alive in his compound, has surrendered to the police eight months after the dastardly act. The suspect complained that the spirit of the prophetess was tormenting him.

Delta State Police Command’s spokesman, Mr. Charles Muka, who confirmed the development, told our reporter in Asaba, yesterday: “It was a case of kidnap and murder of a woman fully dressed in a white garment church attire, which was committed on December 30, 2011 but the suspect surrendered self to police.”

Muka said that following the confession of the suspect, another suspect was arrested while efforts were on to exhume the body of the woman.

He said: “An unidentified woman said to be from Uzere and dressed in white garment church attire was kidnapped at Ughelli and taken to the house of one Emma, male, 27 years old, who is the first suspect, from Owahawa, Ughelli South Local Government Area.

“The suspect surrendered himself to the police because his soul was troubled and confessed burying the victim alive in his compound when she became weak. His confession led to the arrest of another suspect. Detectives have also identified the spot where she was buried alive and the corpse would be exhumed when relations of victim are identified. We hereby call on members of the public, whose missing person depicts the description, to report to police area command Warri, while we are making effort to arrest others involved in the crime.”

By Johnson J Delight


Saturday, August 4, 2012

We Never Planned To Humiliate Nigeria – US Coach

The coach of the USA basketball team Mike Krzyzewski has denied that his team arrived at the Basketball Arena of the London 2012 Olympics determined to humiliate Nigeria for being loud-mouthed.

The soft-spoken manager told the world media after the game which saw Nigerian Tigers well flogged in a game which ended 156-73. He said what happened to Nigeria could have happened to any other team given the performance his players put up.

He said, “It is wrong for anyone to say that it was a game plan to embarrass Nigeria because of the interest the game generated since the draw was made. The result turned out that way because of the shooting percentage we had on the night. We have never had it so good at shooting and I am sure it is so for many teams across the world. Our shooting was incredible and we are surprised by what we achieved.

“It was just that Nigeria happened to be the team on ground the day we got it so right. If it was another team and we had this kind of shooting performance they could never have come near us. Indeed it was a night of shots on both sides because the Nigerians were scoring highly too.

“The Nigerian team is a winning team. They did not get to the Olympics by a wild card; they battled their way to this place from the Venezuela qualifiers which featured great teams from Europe. Yes, we came determined to win the game because any slip can be dangerous but it was a night that what we have always trained for worked perfectly.”

The match which was highly publicised and followed by the widest audience since the basketball event started at London Olympics set many records. It produced the widest losing margin in Olympic history; and the best scoring percentage ever for Team USA. At the two-points range, they hit 30/37 (scored 30 out of 37 attempts) and an incredible 29/46 in the three-points range.

Anthony Carmelo who led the scoring on both sides with 37 points hit 81 per cent of field goals – 13/16 from the two-points range and 10/13 for three-pointers.



Boko Haram And Oshiomhole's PA Killers, Wearing The Same Clothes

RPGs Seized From Boko Haram In Borno (Pic)

Nigerians & Ghanaians Fight On Twitter After Olympics Basketball Loss

There is hot war currently trending on twitter between Nigerians and Ghanaians after Ghanaians apparently made mockery of Nigerians over their record loss to the American basketball team at the Olympics.
The Ghanaians may have fired the first shot by tweeting dat Nigerians would've performed better at fraud and scam than basketball and other mocking tweets.
And when the Nigerians responded it was dirtier, they responded wit such unprintable tweets that could av gotten one the death penalty for devilish, cruel form of racism if he was to be white.
I personally was shocked when I saw such trends dis morning, but never knew how seriouse it was until I got two seperate calls from friends in accra, one of whom is a Nigerian movie producer telling me how serious ghanaians took d tweets, and how he was insulted over the tweets, and calling friends here in Nigeria I was shocked to hear how emotionally bitter he was wit the ghanaians saying he doesn't want to see any ghanaian around, claiming that they are jealous and generall hate Nigerians as a peoplem
So people I plead let us be careful what we write about other people, nation or tribe in the scial media ,it could grow so ugly and big into something we may not be able to controll such as xenophobia




Emir Of Fika Survives Suicide Attack

Emir of Fika and Chairman of Yobe state Council of Chiefs, Mohammed Abali Ibn Idrissa, escaped a suicide bomber's attempt on his life this afternoon.

The bomber - who had the explosives strapped to his body - had tried to get close to the chief after the Friday prayers at the Potiskum Central Mosque located at the Emir's palace but was stopped by a police aide to the Emir.

Eyewitnesses told Daily Trust that the suicide bomber then brought out a gun when he saw he was going to be prevented from reaching his target. However, the bomb exploded before he could make further progress, hurling parts of his body all over the place.

3 people have been confirmed injured from the blast.


Blessing Okagbare Wins Heat 4 Of Olympics 100M Race

Blessing Okagbare of Nigeria overcame a slow start and blasted to a personal best 10.93 in the first round of the 100 meters to win her heat at the Olympics.

One of the last runners out of the blocks in the fourth of nine heats, she passed America's Tianna Madison by the mid point and trimmed .03 off her previous personal best of 10.96 set earlier this season.

Madison was second in 10.97 and no one else was better than 11.28.

The semifinals and finals are Saturday.

Akon With A Big Yansh Statue (Picture)

Now what the hell is this???

GEJ And Jamaican PM Dancing To 'Reggae Music' In Jamaica! (pics)

GEJ dey rock too o, lol

Picture Of Ini Edo And Her Younger Brother

Photo of Nollywood Actress Ini Edo and little brother

Bomb Factory Discovered In Rigasa, Kaduna

The Nigerian Army in Kaduna on Saturday announced the arrest of a suspected member of a terror group after raiding an Improvised Explosive Device (IED) factory in the city.
The Assistant Director, Army Public Relations, 1 Div. Kaduna, Col. Sani Usman, who made the announcement, said security agents discovered the factory along Abuja Road, Rigasa, Kaduna, on Friday after one of the devices exploded.

``I wish to confirm that on receipt of information and distress call from some good Samaritans at about 2.21 a.m. on Friday, Aug 3; our troops moved to Taro-taro by Abuja Road in Rigasa.

``We discovered an Improvised Explosive Device factory where suspected terrorists were in the process of coupling the IEDs and we detonated some.

``The factory was cordoned and searched and the following items were recovered: IEDs at various stages of development, cans of 33ccl, a sack containing 33ccl, empty cans and two IEDs packed in fire extinguisher tubes as well as timing devices,'' he said.

Usman said the troops arrested one suspect, while others escaped, shot and wounded two residents in the area.

He said the factory had been demolished and advised property owners to be wary of their tenants.

The assistant director appealed to the public to volunteer information on suspicious movements of people to security agents

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Dana plane crash: TV stations play video clips

TELEVISION stations, on Wednesday, played the video clips of events at the scene of the crash of the ill-fated Dana Air plane in Iju/Ishaga area of Lagos on June 3, before the coroner presiding on the inquest into the immediate causes of death of passengers, Mr Alexander Komolafe, at the Lagos High Court sitting in Ikeja.
The clippings were shown by two of the media houses earlier summoned by the inquest.
A witness from  Channels TV, Mr Oreoluwa Shonibare, told the court that on the day of the crash, he was on duty when he got a call that there was a plane crash at Iju/Ishaga, adding that he arrived at the scene at about 3:30 p.m.
Shonibare, in his testimony, described how the plane plunged into a two-storey building and a bungalow, adding that he was not aware of any casualties, as it was a collective loss and that at a point, he had to help the rescue team.
While being cross-examined by Bolaji Ayorin-de, Shonibare said he could not give the exact number of policemen at the scene, adding that the crowd was, at a period, unruly, but the policemen were able to control them.
Another witness, Mr Olugboyega Oshifowora, a reporter from Television Continental, told the court that he had gone for an assignment earlier and was asked to go to Iju/Ishaga, where the plane crashed.
Oshifowora, who went with his camera man and driver, said when he got to the scene of the incident, his camera man took the shots of the engines and tails of the plane.
He told the court  that he could not give the exact time he arrived at the site, but that he met men of Lagos State Fire Service and officials of the Federal Airport Authority of Nigeria (FAAN) on the ground.
Meanwhile, the Africa Independent Television (AIT), which was also supposed to present its video footage, said it was not aware.
The magistrate consequently ruled that AIT, Dana Air and Accident Investigation Bureau (AIB) would give their testimonies today

Ali predicts four medals for Nigeria

Former Nigeria athletics captain Yusuf Ali urges Nigerians not to lose hope on the Team Nigeria’s chances of winning medals at the London Olympics.
The Olympian acknowledges concern over the nations outing at the Games with athletes losing out before getting to the medals zone. The athletics event starts on Friday and Ali is optimistic that early failure of Nigerian athletes will spur others to victory.
“As a Nigerian, I am not happy that some of our athletes fell early in the Games. But the spirit of the Olympics must be respected. There are many great athletes who have lost opportunity to be here so making it to this level is an achievement on its own,” said Ali.
“However, I am not losing hope yet. Nigeria has always been strong in athletics and having worked with these athletes here in London for the Games, I am sure that they will lift the nation’s image as from Friday.”
He will not be drawn into making predictions on which athlete will win what medal but he gives a hint of the camp expectation.
“The athletes are ready to go and we expect them to reach the finals. I am sure we cannot win less than four medals. I don’t know the colour of the medals but I know that we will win up to four medals.
“Winning gold goes with luck. Don’t rule that out. Once we get to that level, anything can happen. I call on the athletes to be calm and do things at the right pace.”

Okonjo-Iweala lied to Nigerians on budget – Reps

Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala
The House of Representatives on Wednesday called the Minister of Finance, Dr. Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, a liar.
It said the minister lied to Nigerians on the implementation of the 2012 budget by claiming that government had achieved 56 per cent performance.
“It is very clear already that she (Okonjo-Iweala) lied; she has lied to Nigerians”, spokesman for the lower chamber of federal legislature, Zakari Mohammed, said on Wednesday in Abuja.
Contrary to earlier submissions by the finance minister that the budget had recorded 56 per cent implementation, documents submitted to the Senate by the Ministry of Finance on Tuesday indicated that performance of the budget as  of July was a mere 12.6 per cent.
The percentage was indeed lower than the 34 per cent performance the House had scored the budget which had angered the Reps and on the basis of which they had given President Goodluck Jonathan up to September to achieve 100 per cent or face impeachment proceedings.
The documents before the Senate now show that though N324.5bn (34 per cent) was cash-backed last month, only N184.84bn (12.6 per cent) was really available to Ministries Departments and Agencies of government for capital projects as at July 20.
The total capital provision in the budget is N1.5tn.
 “The minister should just go and make the appropriate adjustments. It is very clear already that she lied; she has lied to Nigerians,” Mohammed said in a reaction to the new revelation on Wednesday.
However, the Federal Government has said that the controversy over the 2102 budget is a distraction to its implementation.
Minister of Information, Labaran Maku, while briefing journalists after the weekly Federal Executive Council meeting in Abuja, on Wednesday said the lingering controversy between the Executive and the Legislature was distracting the government from effectively implementing the budget.
Maku said, “This controversy is distracting the implementation of the budget.
 “The Coordinating Minister of the Economy (Okonjo-Iweala) will appear before the Senate. She is able, she is competent and she has the figure that won’t be contrasted.
“All of us are working. We are implementing the budget because that is what we were appointed to do.”
The minister assured Nigerians that they would soon see an upbeat in budget implementation as soon as the various ongoing procurement processes were completed.
He said since the Appropriation Act was passed in April, it would be unfair to conclude three months after that the budget was not being implemented.
But Mohammed disagreed with Maku, arguing that what the National Assembly had done was to engage the Executive by saying that “they should do the right thing.”
“It is not a distraction at all. Rather, it is part of the way forward for this country,” he added.
The House spokesman said, “Let us be honest by telling Nigerians the truth; if there was a failure, let us admit it and we move on. Nigerians are intelligent people; some of them are more intelligent than those of us in government.
“It is just that we are privileged to be called to serve them.”
Mohammed said it was encouraging that the Senate Committee on Appropriation had come to terms with what the House had been saying about the “poor” implementation of the budget.
The Senate on Tuesday had expressed anger at the poor implementation of the budget and the absence of Okonjo-Iweala at an interaction session with its appropriation committee where the minister was expected to brief Senators on the performance of the budget.
The Deputy Senate President had insisted that the finance minister must appear at the senate-executive session on Thursday (today).
Meanwhile, the National Treasurer of the Action Congress of Nigeria, Chief Kenneth Kobani, on Wednesday called for the resignation of Okonjo-Iweala over the government retraction of the 56 per cent budget implementation rate she had earlier claimed.
Kobani, who spoke to one of our correspondents in Port Harcourt, Rivers state, said,  “On the retraction of its earlier claim on budget implementation, the Federal Government is making governance look like an exercise of power and not the rendering of service to the people.
“So, if the Federal Government is retracting the minister’s claim as reported by The PUNCH today (Wednesday) , it shows the credibility of the Minister of Finance has been called to question. The decent thing to do is for her to go.”

Justin Bieber’s New Video Takes Violent Turn

Can't stand Justin Bieber? He drives you so nuts, you'd love to punch him in the face?
Well, here's some good news for all you haters out there--the 18-year-old actually does gets beaten to a pulp, in his brand-new video released this week!
Yep, that's right: Fans and foes alike will have the pleasure (or agony, depending on which side you fall on) of seeing the Biebs bruised, bloody, and battered in the clip for his latest single, "As Long As You Love Me."

Ferguson denies IPO payments

Manchester United manager Sir Alex Ferguson has issued a statement denying that he would receive any payment following the upcoming sale of shares in the club.
Sir Alex Ferguson has denied allegations that he stands to profit from share sales
PA PhotosSir Alex Ferguson has denied allegations that he stands to profit from share sales

There had been some suggestions that Ferguson, who has been supportive of the Glazer ownership at Old Trafford, would financially benefit from the sale of shares, as part of a potential payment to "senior employees".
The Scottish manager, though, has moved quickly to deny the claims in a statement released on Thursday afternoon, adding that the suggestion "insults" him after 25 years at the club.
The statement read: "Being aware of the media coverage that is currently ongoing I felt, on this occasion, that I should make my position clear to the Manchester United fans.
"In regards to suggestions that I have praised the Glazer Family because I stand to financially benefit from the proposed IPO, there is not a single grain of truth in this allegation. I do not receive any payments, directly or indirectly, from the IPO.
"Ultimately, I run the football side of this club and in order to do this, you need backing from above.
"The Glazer family have let me get on with my job, there is no interference or obstruction, only support.
"My decisions and beliefs are not based around what is best for my personal financial gain. That is an accusation that insults me. If that was the case, I would have left Old Trafford a long time ago.
"I am speaking out because I do not want a situation to develop whereby the media and other parties create a rift, however small, between myself and any Manchester United fan. I've spent 25 years of my life pushing this club forward and not only could I not have done it without those fans, I do it for them."

Happy 60th Birthday To Namadi Sambo

He's 60 today!!
Wish u many more happy years.

Arc. Mohammed Namadi Sambo was born on the 2ND of august, 1952 in zaria, kaduna state of nigeria.

He is married with six children



Woman Delivers Monkey-Like Baby In Otukpo

A young Nigerian woman has been delivered of a monkey-like monster in Otukpo, a popular town in Benue State. It was said to have taken place recently at St Theresa Hospital, Otukpo

This wife of a hunter from Oju Local Government Area of the state was said to have given birth to a creature that looks like a monkey.

The strange delivery, was gathered, came as a surprise to the already mother of nine the who had successfully delivered nine children in the past and was having her 10th child before the strange creature visited her. According to an eyewitness, when the news broke out, residents of the town, especially those at the nearby Otukpo main market rushed to the hospital to see for themselves.

Describing the strange development as congenital malformation, Medical Director of the hospital, Dr Stanley Bwala said the malformation could have been forestalled if the woman was attending antenatal care regularly and advised pregnant women to always avail themselves to routine ante natal treatment.

However, it was gathered that as soon as the hunter heard about the delivery, he came and removed the monster from the hospital, even as observers believed the abnormal birth was a usual occurrence to hunters who have killed several animals during hunting.

In a brief chat with elder Adah Okoh, a traditional ruler in the area, he noted that in the Idoma tradition, such child should not be allowed to stay with the mother for fear of reincarnation. Asked if the monster should be buried alive or killed, elder Okoh said that should be left for the family to decide.


P-square Spends N50million On Mum’s Burial


The singing duo’s mother, who passed on after a heart surgery in India, is believed to be prepared to receive a one in town burial ceremony. Talebearers disclosed that the Okoye brothers led by Jude Engees Okoye, have spent almost N50m on the burial rites for their late mother.

It was also disclosed that the brothers have spent so much in giving their mother a well-befitting and world class burial for who they refer to as the only pillar of support behind the P-Square success.

Services of M.I.C for casket provision as well as interment celebrations have also been contracted. It was also gathered that Peter and Paul have promised to spare no cost in ensuring that their late mother is well laid to rest.

While some of the preparations and items that have seen the brothers spending so much include transporting her remains back to Nigeria; building a mausoleum; ordering for a very expensive casket; engaging services of burial team and event managers as well as catering for i bbnvited guests and colleagues.