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Saturday, May 26, 2012

Zimbabwe's Vice Pres. Attacks T.B Joshua

HARARE- Vice President Joice Mujuru indirectly attacked Nigerian prophet TB Joshua, telling a National Day of Prayer gathering at the Zimbabwe Grounds in Harare that Zimbabweans should be wary of fake prophets who are turning churches into money-making ventures.

Mujuru who was the acting President while Mugabe was away, said local religious groups should not allow foreign pastors and political leaders to dictate the way they should worship. Her audience consisted of thousands of indigenous Apostolic and Zion church members.

“Our churches have come of age and we are people who know what we want on national events. We should not allow foreigners to tell us what to do. I was happy to hear that you conducted today’s event without any interference. People should be on the lookout for fake prophets.

“In Zimbabwean churches, I have never heard people celebrating someone’s death or illness. True Christians assist people by praying for ailments not expressing happiness about it.” Mujuru was referring to TB Joshua’s February 2012 prophecy that an African leader would die within 60 days.

Although TB Joshua did not specify the location, Zimbabwe was abuzz with speculation given Mugabe’s ailing health and frequent trips to Singapore for treatment. It eventually came to pass that the Malawian president Bingu wa Mutharika died of a heart attack, not long after the prophecy.

But TB Joshua has since made another prophecy that another old African president will fall critically ill and be hospitalised. These prophecies are not going down well with ZANU PF given Mugabe’s health and surrounding speculation.

Over two weeks ago pro-ZANU PF church leaders were wheeled out by the state media to make claims that TB Joshua was not welcome in the country and that his teachings were allegedly “judgmental, partisan and unorthodox.”

A week after that a senior police officer labelled him a ‘false prophet’ that people needed to be aware of. Officers at the Police General Headquarters in Harare were shown a video that allegedly exposes TB Joshua as a womaniser and sorcerer.”

Next to attack TB Joshua was the excommunicated Anglican Bishop Nolbert Kunonga. The man who forcibly grabbed Anglican Church property and used police and ZANU PF militia to violently target parishioners not loyal to him claimed TB Joshua’s prophecies were driven by Satanism and were “diabolic.”


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